Corporate profile Company

Corporate data

Corporate name Yamato Scale Co., Ltd.

5-22, Saenba-cho, Akashi, Hyogo, 673-8688, Japan

Founded February, 1920
(as Weighing Machine Division of Kawanishi Machine Works)
Established December 1945
Capitalization 497,000,750 yen
Number of employees 1158(Mar. 31, 2024)
Business discription
Manufacturing, sales and repair of weighing system equipment
■ For food industry
・Dataweigh™ (Multi-head scale), Checkweigher, etc.
■ For retail and wholesale trade
・Semi automatic Table-top Dataweigh™, Digital Platform scales, Universal Digital Scales,
Spring Dial scales, etc.
■ For the automobile industry and transportation
・Tire balancer, Truck scale, Axle weigher, etc.
■ For heavy industry
・Belt conveyor scale, Coal feeder, large platform scale, etc.
■ For powder and chemical industries
・Constant feed weigher, Automatic weighing feeder, etc.
■ For home and office
・Health meter, kitchen scale, etc.
■ Healthcare and Others
・High precision body composition analyzer, Barrier free scale, Digital weight scale,
Fish quality analyzer, etc.
Board of directors
  • Shozo Kawanishi,
    President and CEO
  • Ryo Shimizu,
    Executive Director
  • Takuya Kato,
    Executive Director
  • Yasumasa Sato,
    Executive Director
  • Keisuke Kunisaki,
  • Tsutomu Sawada,
  • Junya Yamamoto,
  • Taketoshi Okamura,
  • Takayuki Nagai,
  • Chun Ha,
    Corporate Officer
  • Liao Youjun,
    Corporate Officer
  • Akihide Shimazaki,
    Corporate Officer
  • Syuichi Okabe,
    Corporate Officer
  • Kenji Yoshida,
    Corporate Officer
  • Takanobu Ono,
    Corporate Officer
  • Masaru Yamamoto,
    Corporate Auditor
  • Yoshihisa Kawanishi,
    Executive Corporate Advisor
  • Takao Ohta,
    Corporate Advisor
  • Toshihiko Matsuda,
  • Sadao Nakamura,